Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions site. Here we will attempt to provide as much current information as we a have available at the time. Check back often for additional details or new questions. Remember, you can submit a question or request more information by emailing us at andrewacademyfoundation@gmail.com or info@andrewruralacademy.ca
“I heard that charter schools like the Andrew Rural Academy are private schools. Why is that?”
This is a misconception or misinformation. While a very small number of private schools do exist in Alberta, charter schools like the Andrew Rural Academy are in fact, fully public access and funded entities.
“Will the Andrew Rural Academy offer bussing- particularly from other communities.”
The long and short answer is yes. While we do not have a final picture of where our students are coming from, we do at this point know we will be in-taking from Two Hills, Vegreville, Lamont, Mundare, Chipman, Bruderheim, Smoky Lake and other locations. In February/March, we will define the necessary routes to best align to where our students are coming from. We are also looking at low-cost, innovative options to extend our bussing reach as far as responsibly possible.
“Will my family be required to pay an annual tuition for our children to attend this school?”
No, being a publicly funded/ public charter school, tuition is not part of the funding model.
“Does this school intent to offer breakfast/lunch programming?“
Yes, conversations with parents who have submitted their Parent Declarations told us in no uncertain terms these types of programs would be hugely appreciated and expected. While at this point it is too early to have the details worked out, it is logged as a follow-up item for down the road.
“I’ve been hearing conflicting information whether sports and other extra-curricular activities will be offered.“
It is important for parents and students to understand that being enrolled within a public charter school does not come with any built-in disadvantages to the regular public school system. Andrew Rural Academy intends to offer a robust set of extra-curricular choices. Again, it is too early to have specifics, however we view extra-curricular as a vital part of our programming offer.
“My child has support needs which have largely gone unmet in their current school. How are special education needs being addressed in this planned school?“
We have relied heavily on direct conversations with parents to hear and understand any unique needs for special education, related assessments and supports, modified learning and education plans. We have accounted for supports in our funding model, to ensure we have the correct ratio of Education Assistants; that our teaching staff come with the right competencies; and that we have access to services like Speech Pathology and other speciality resources. This will be ongoing work to ensure we are fully aware of needs and budgeting appropriately.
“I heard a while back there may be a daycare service available on site but have not heard anything recently. Is this still part of the plan?“
We view daycare, pre-school, aftercare as key service offerings to our parents and families. The Village of Andrew is aggressively pursuing vendors/operators to set-up locally. Our school facility has space potentially allocated for this purpose. Should the Village be successful in securing an operator service agreement, an announcement will be made.
“Will this school be accessing and utilizing support funding like Program Unit Funding (PUF) and Specialized Learning Supports (SLS) as well as any other similar programs.“
Yes, we have been giving these matters particular attention and is in part why we have been so intentional to see a local pre-school program. Early age assessments (typically at ages 2 to 5) are critical to unlocking available funding and having it remain attached to the child throughout their requirement period. We are currently in negotiations with a service provider who has significant experience in this area and will continue to work toward maximizing supports for our students.
“Will my family be required to pay any fees on behalf of my child?“
Families should expect a similar school fee obligation as is currently experienced in other public schools. Typical fees for extra- curricular bussing, perhaps locker fees, could be part of the requirement. At this point, we are not able to provide specifics, just that nothing out of the norm is expected.
“I get the impression this STEM programming is targeted for high academic achieving students and may not be for everyone?“
In actual fact, it is the opposite. STEM Programming is based on delivering the core Alberta Program of Study- albeit in a somewhat super-charged delivery manner to experientially link the lessons through practical, hands-on learning situations. The Andrew Rural Academy takes this a step further by linking in a network of post-secondary partners so that students may connect their education from the classroom, through the various learning laboratory environments and on to the types of work and careers those lessons impact on. This type of learning environment should appeal to most children. Those children who typically do not perform well in the traditional classroom, should thrive in this programming.
“How many students will be part of this school and do you have enough to open?“
Charters are granted on a five-year timeframe and renewed in five-year terms ongoing. Applicants are required to demonstrate sufficient interest for the school. Our application is based on 85 K-12 students in year one and projecting a 15 to 20% growth rate year over year. Currently, we sit at 65 students with several others pending. We expect to achieve our full enrollment target in the next several weeks.
“When will your school be accepting actual enrollment registrations?“
Until our charter application has been approved, we can only accept expressions of interest through the Parent Declaration form. We anticipate this approval before the end of February. In the interim, we are building out our official school website and populating it with the items like the Enrollment Form so that it is immediately available upon charter approval.
“On one hand we hear that your school is publicly funded the same as other public schools yet I read in the newspapers that you are planning a large dollar funding campaign. Which is it?“
This is a very important question. It is necessary to step back and understand that this is not a one and done effort to reopen a school and move on to other things. The appetite for charter schools in Alberta arose out of parent discontent with the regular public system. Charter schools bring decision making, content and overall administration of a school back to the local level. Why?…to deliver a better outcome. And that is the intention of Andrew Rural Academy…to provide something different than is otherwise available locally. Different meaning superior to…superior curriculum content, superior learning environments, superior instruction/supports, superior graduation rates and superior career outcomes. To achieve those superior features both now and into the long term, costs money- likely more than will be allocated to us through the Education Ministry Funding Model. Additionally, we are looking long term toward what our facility will require to keep pace with education into the future- the potential for renovations or additional facilities either on or off campus. Finally, we choose to be in maximum control of our destiny- be financially fortified against outside influences like changes in government policy, etc.
“Do you realistically believe your school will open for the 2025/26 school year?“
Yes we do. While it is not a slam dunk, we are confident in the detail and quality of our application submission. We have worked very closely with the coaching resources at the Education Ministry. We anticipate a decision in the next six weeks and even if there is some additional work requested by the Ministry, we have time to make any amendments.
“Elk Island Public Schools was not able to make it work in Andrew. What makes you guys think you can?“
While we may not have agreed with EIPS’s ultimate decision, we do understand and respect they have an operating model and budget where hard decisions have to be made. Respectfully, as a public school system, they have certain restrictions, requirements and overhead costs that we are not bound by and do not have to absorb. We are confident that stacked up beside each other, Andrew Rural Academy presents a better choice for parents and students. At 65+ expressions of interest at this point, we believe parents are recognizing that better choice option.
“We are seeing posters, websites and other materials as well as utilizing consultants. How is this getting paid for?“
Early on, the Village of Andrew Council recognized the significance of the work to be done and its importance to the long term viability of the village. Village Council set aside a “starter fund” to prepare for these costs. Additionally, the Foundation recently approached Lamont County for similar bridge funding and we are awaiting that decision. Finally local business members like Barpek have injected funds to specific initiatives.
“We heard a rumor about some public meetings or events. Can you provide details?“
Absolutely. You may already be aware that the Foundation Board meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Village Office. The public is welcome to attend and hear about the business we are conducting. We believe we have reached a point where targeted public information sessions would be useful. Our first one is scheduled for January 30th from 5:00-7:00 pm at the school We are also planning Open House events on February 28 and March 1. Full details can be found soon on our website and Facebook page, however for now we know we will be showcasing our classroom configurations including furniture, providing insights to our learning lab plans, hosting our post- secondary partners and so much more.
“Will there be an option for shared responsibility with home schooling.“
Charter schools are not permitted to be involved with home schooling. What we would ask you to think about, is whether our school program as designed might be a preferred alternative to home schooling.
“Is there a plan for staffing?“
Yes, we have launched the search for a Superintendent with the intent of having the position filled by the end of February. We anticipate seeing some Principal candidates come out of that process and will formally post the Principal position by the end of January to be tentatively filled by the end of March with a start date that still needs to be figured out. Generic teaching positions will be posted by the end of January so that we have the opportunity to be clear with candidates about what this method of teaching looks like and to suggest they have the opportunity to use the next seven months to pursue professional development in that regard. We will target early June to have our teacher roster filled. Timing to post for the School Secretary, and other positions like Educations Assistants, Library Technician and Custodian all are identified for hiring at specific times prior to the school opening.